Quality and Environmental Policies

Quality and Environmental Policies

Quality Policy

SHOP AND ROLL S.L. and GRUPO OM S.L.U. are committed to offering our clients innovative solutions in the business sector in which we operate, always keeping sustainability in mind.

Our vision is to lead the equipment supply in the sectors we operate, both nationally and internationally, with innovation as a fundamental pillar of growth.

Our strategy is based on our Quality Policy, which aims primarily to achieve our vision, the satisfaction of our clients’ expectations, and the pursuit of solutions for all stakeholders within our organisation.

To achieve this, we focus on analysing the context and the needs of the stakeholders, which helps us determine our annual objectives. From there, we manage risks and opportunities by acting proactively, and we work on addressing changes to face them with flexibility and confidence.

We focus on processes and continuous improvement, which allows us to increase the effectiveness of the Management System and the quality of our products and services, establishing the necessary controls on inputs, within the process itself, and on outputs. We set and review objectives for each area, using this policy as a reference, defining responsibilities, establishing action criteria, and allocating the necessary resources to achieve them.

We recognise the importance of the client’s voice and specifically commit to identifying, understanding, and fulfilling the requirements of the client as well as applicable legal and regulatory requirements. We identify and consider the risks and opportunities that may affect product and service compliance, and our ability to enhance and maintain the focus on client satisfaction.

Finally, we commit to periodically reviewing this quality policy, communicating it to the entire organisation and our stakeholders, ensuring its compliance, and keeping it up to date at all levels by regularly monitoring its effectiveness and fulfilment.

At SHOP AND ROLL S.L. and GRUPO OM S.L.U., companies dedicated to the development, production, and commercialisation of products for purchasing equipment and for visual communication and merchandising at the point of sale in the retail sector, we are fully aware of the importance of sustainable development, minimising the environmental impact associated with our activity.

In this context, all members of the organisation are involved, and our fundamental principles are:

  • Complying with the requirements established in each of the tasks we undertake, including legal and regulatory ones, coordinating them with those of our Clients and Suppliers.
  • Committing to the prevention of pollution and environmental impact, by properly managing the environmental aspects arising from our processes and activities.
  • Minimising consumption in processes, the generation of emissions, and waste for its management and recycling.
  • Promoting our environmental commitment to our suppliers and clients to involve them in it.
  • Continuously improving the performance of our activities to achieve a lower environmental impact.
  • Integrating environmental management within our daily operations, ensuring that environmental issues are addressed while providing quality products and services to our Clients.
  • Proactively involving all personnel in fulfilling the above points and managing the environmental value of activities, raising awareness and understanding of good environmental and social practices.

The fulfilment of this Environmental Policy is everyone’s responsibility, with the full support of General Management, and its satisfactory compliance is considered a priority objective.

Environmental Policy

At SHOP AND ROLL S.L. and GRUPO OM S.L.U., companies dedicated to the development, production, and commercialisation of products for purchasing equipment and for visual communication and merchandising at the point of sale in the retail sector, we are fully aware of the importance of sustainable development, minimising the environmental impact associated with our activity.

In this context, all members of the organisation are involved, and our fundamental principles are:

  • Complying with the requirements established in each of the tasks we undertake, including legal and regulatory ones, coordinating them with those of our Clients and Suppliers.
  • Committing to the prevention of pollution and environmental impact, by properly managing the environmental aspects arising from our processes and activities.
  • Minimising consumption in processes, the generation of emissions, and waste for its management and recycling.
  • Promoting our environmental commitment to our suppliers and clients to involve them in it.
  • Continuously improving the performance of our activities to achieve a lower environmental impact.
  • Integrating environmental management within our daily operations, ensuring that environmental issues are addressed while providing quality products and services to our Clients.
  • Proactively involving all personnel in fulfilling the above points and managing the environmental value of activities, raising awareness and understanding of good environmental and social practices.

The fulfilment of this Environmental Policy is everyone’s responsibility, with the full support of General Management, and its satisfactory compliance is considered a priority objective.
